3rd semester(10cs33) Module 3 Linked list Question Bank

Question Bank of Module-3
Linked list
1.       What is linked list? With example, Explain how linked list are represented in memory .Also explain the advantage and disadvantage of linked list
2.       Write a short note on Memory allocation & Garbage Collection
3.       Explain with neat sketch types of linked list.
4.       Explain with algorithm operations of linked list a)Inserting into linked list b)Deleting
5.       Explain with algorithm operation of linked list a)Traversing b) Searching
6.       What is single linked list. Explain operation of linked list : 1)Insert 2)Delete 3)Search 4)Delete 5)Create 6) Display
7.       Write a c program to implement create, insert,delete ,search and display of Single linked list
8.       What is double linked list. With Pseudocode ,Explain the operation of Double linked list .
9.       Write a C program to implement double linked list to create,insert,delete,search and display of double linked list.
10.   What is circular linked list. With Pseudocode,Explain the various operation of circular Single linked list.
11.   Write a c program to implement create, insert,delete ,search and display of circular linked list.
12.   Write a short note on Header linked list.
13.   Write a c program to implement stack using linked list.
14.   Explain push,pop and display operation for implementing stack using linked list
15.   Write a c program to implement queue using linked list.
16.   Explain push,pop and display operation for implementing queue using linked list
17.   Write node structure for linked representation of polynomial. Explain the algorithm to add two polynomial representation using linked list.
18.   Write a short note on sparse matrix representation with multilinked data structure.
19.   Write a program to create and display linked representation of sparse matrix
20.   Write a c function to i)find the length of linked list ii)Merging two linked list c)concatenate two singly linked list d)Reverse the list

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